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PubMed ID: PM:26033051
Anesthesia and Analgesia in Total Joint Arthroplasty (2021)
  1. Intraoperative Periarticular Injection and Postoperative Pain/Opioid Use in TJA
  2. Long Acting Local Anesthetics and Postoperative Pain/Opioid Use
  3. Particular Injections with Liposomal Lupivacaine vs. Ropivacaine or Bupivacaine in TJA
  4. Periarticular Injections of Ketorolac in TKA
  5. Periarticular Injections of Ketorolac in THA
  6. Periarticular Injections of Corticosteroids in TKA
  7. Perioperative Corticosteroids and Postoperative Pain/Opioid Use in THA
  8. Morphine in Periarticular Injection in TJA
  9. Epinephrine in Periarticular Injection in TKA
  10. Epinephrine in Periarticular Injection in THA
  11. Clonidine in Periarticular Injections and TKA
  12. Clonidine in Periarticular Injections and THA