1. Adults (skeletally mature) suspected of extremity ACS without evidence of irreversible damage (Known acute injury with fracture, crush injury, etc.)
2. Patients present with concerning physical exam (worsening limb pain and/or limb swelling)
3. Patient not requiring revascularization
*If the patients signs/symptoms change over time, re-enter the AUC tool to assess
1. Pediatric population (skeletally immature)
2. ACS of the foot
1. Examples of clinical symptoms: pain out of proportion, paresthesia, pain with passive stretch, and paresis (motor symptoms)
2. “Consider alternate diagnosis” does not exclude an ACS diagnosis
3. “Symptoms unreliable” includes: unknown, unreliable, obtunded, intubated, or other reason for unknown history
Volunteer physicians from multiple medical specialties created and categorized these Appropriate Use Criteria. These Appropriate Use Criteria are not intended to be comprehensive or a fixed protocol, as some patients may require more or less treatment or different means of diagnosis. These Appropriate Use Criteria represent patients and situations that clinicians treating or diagnosing musculoskeletal conditions are most likely to encounter. The clinician’s independent medical judgment, given the individual patient’s clinical circumstances, should always determine patient care and treatment.
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